Raw Milk



At the state’s request, the Fresno County-based company issued a voluntary recall of the affected product: cream top, whole raw milk from lot No. 20241109 with a “best by” date of Nov. 27.

Full article: https://abcnews.go.com/US/bird-flu-found-sample-california-raw-milk-officials/story?id=116185808

CDPH has issued another warning to Californians not to consume an additional batch of cream top, whole raw milk from Raw Farm, LLC of Fresno County due to a second detection of bird flu virus. Raw Farm, LLC issued a voluntary recall at the state’s request of the affected lot code 20241119 with a Best By 12/07/2024. Consumers should immediately return any remaining product to the store where it was purchased.

Full Notice: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/OPA/Pages/NR24-042.aspx