Lending a helping hand with the Foundation

Garden To Table Donates All of Their School Garden Produce to Local Food Banks

The Republic of Tea and Sprouts Unite to Raise Awareness and Funds for School Gardens

With the Closing of Schools, the Orange County Rescue Mission Springs into Action

The YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas Adapts Programming to Serve the Community

Sprouts Foundation and DUG Reduce Food Insecurity with Nutritious Gardens in a Box

#EducationIsOpen Campaign Raises $55k for Teachers and Students through Sprouts Foundation and Out Teach

Sprouts Foundation and #TeamSprouts Partner to Deliver Fresh Food and Supplies to the Navajo Nation

Neighborhood Grant Partner – C.H.O.I.C.E.S. – Moves Cooking Instruction Online

First to the Table Brings Culinary Training to Young Adults with Autism